Advanced Clinical Practitioner, Sarah-Jane Ford
I have just qualified as an Advanced Clinical Practitioner, completing my MSc with the University of Derby in collaboration with the University Hospitals of Derby and Burton ACP training programme.
Sarah-Jane Ford
Advanced Clinical Practitioner
Although a RMN, my training has been completed in physical health, with the last 3 years being spent in ED and MAU at the RDH on an honorary contract.
My role utilises the wealth of new knowledge in acute medicine, combined with a those of an RMN to provide genuine holistic care for our patients in adult mental health acute services. I work with the medical team and am able to provide most aspects of care, including assessment, both physical and mental health, request investigations and interpret, prescribe and liaise with acute services and lead the MDT.
The role also provides clinical leadership by demonstrating evidence-based practice and working alongside, contributing to service improvements - especially in physical health care.
The role offers boundless opportunities to improve safety and effectiveness, however, needs preparation before being introduced - understanding of the role, will it address gaps in provision and space to practice.
Sarah-Jane Ford, Advanced Clinical Practitioner, Royal Derby Hospital