Janet McAdam


I am a Consultant Nurse and Approved Clinician (AC) currently working in secure inpatient services, as Responsible Clinician for two wards. 

I always knew I wanted to progress to this role when working with newly appointed Nurse Consultants over 20 years ago. 

Janet McAdam

Consultant Nurse and Approved Clinician

I have worked as a Nurse Consultant since 2014, gained AC approval in 2017 and have worked in both Adult Mental Health and Secure In-patient services in this role. I am Vice Chair for the Yorkshire and Humber Northeast Approval Panel and a member of the Trust wide Multi professional AC steering oversight group. I co-facilitate mentoring sessions for professionals in the trust who are completing AC portfolio training and I am currently evaluating the impact of the nurse AC role. 

My area of clinical interest has always been psychosocial interventions (PSI), and over the years I have led on service improvement initiatives to support this within practice. This includes working with the local university to deliver whole team training in PSI for staff on a P.I.C.U, training staff in Behavioural family therapy (BFT Meriden Programme), and subsequent development of a virtual family therapy service. I am equally passionate about clinical nurse development, and nurses’ ability to access and facilitate quality clinical supervision. I deliver Resilience Based Clinical Supervision within practice and am currently working with the Foundation of Nursing studies (FoNs) to evaluate the impact of this.

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