As part of our work to showcase the diverse range of career options open to mental health nurses, we have dedicated this section to one of the statutory roles enshrined within the mental health act (2007)

This is the role of approved clinician:

An Approved Clinician is defined as a mental health professional approved by, or on behalf of, the Secretary of State to act as an Approved Clinician for the purposes of the Mental Health Act 1983 (MHA). Some decisions under the MHA can only be taken by professionals who are ACs.

Below you will see more information about this role and the processes and requirements to undertake this role

Joint statement of the UK Consultant Nurse networks for Learning Disability; Mental Health and Autism

Approved Clinician Role


Mental health and learning disability nursing: Advancing the profession through the approved clinician role

The Approved Clinician role was first developed as part of the review and refresh of the Mental Health Act in 2008.

This role was introduced in order to widen the range of professionals who could undertake this role, and ensure better patient care experience and increased patient choice.

This opportunity offers mental health and learning disabilities nurses the option to progress into a senior clinical role, encouraging the retention of some of our most skilled clinicians in the workforce.

Since this development very few nurses have felt able to take up this opportunity, and those that have, often report feeling isolated and unsupported by their ‘professional bodies’. This is a gap we intend to fill.

This event was designed to bring together nurses who have been able to take up this opportunity and provide a forum for them to share what more is needed to consolidate this role in operational practice, while increasing uptake.

As you will see from the film it acts as a showcase for those who are interested in, or are already commencing the journey to become an AC/RC. Providing a chance for them to learn from their peers, and share tools and interventions that will help them on this journey.

Who should watch this?

• Nurses who have achieved the status of Approved Clinician

• Nurses who are training to become an Approved Clinician

• Nurses who are considering becoming an Approved Clinician

• Nurse leaders who wish to develop the role of Approved Clinician within their organisations.